
Counterbalance Accounting would be appointed by you and work exclusively with you, either on a piecemeal basis as and when each financial issue arises, or on an ongoing basis.  Your relationship with Counterbalance Accounting can be one to one or as part of your whole team and working seamlessly alongside your legal advisors.

Fees are charged on an hourly rate basis but can be agreed up front at a fixed charge for each specific piece of work such as preparing the Form E, review of financial information and so on.
Counterbalance Accounting can offer a ‘free’ 30 minute consultation to make sure you are happy with how we can help and to agree the work required for your particular situation.
Neither Counterbalance Accounting nor I can provide any legal advice and if you have not already done so, you are strongly advised to seek legal advice about your situation.
If you think Counterbalance Accounting can help, please do get in touch
Contact me today